jueves, 12 de abril de 2007


We have finally confirmed RampArt as the venue for the korrika 15 and Aberri Eguna party:
Korrika 15 eta Aberri Eguna Londresen
Larunbata, Apirilak 14 2007

- Bethnal Green-eko parkean Korrikaldia arratsaldeko 4etan.
- Hankak beroturik ditugula RampArt-eruntz joko dugu eta trikitilariekin erromeria hasi 6-6:30ak aldera.
- Arratsaldeko 8-8:30 inguruan “Two4afiver” Rock taldea arituko da.
- 9:30etatik 12ak arte trikitilariak eta euskal musika izango ditugu.
Jan eta edari ugari izango da (marmitako ere!!!)
Anima zaitez!!!

Oxford House, Derbyshire Street, Bethnal green - London E2 6HG (Korrika, lauretan)
RampArt, 15/17 Rampart Street, Tower Hamlets - London E1 2 LA (Jaia, seiretan)
Korrika 15 and Aberri Eguna in London
Saturday, April 14th 2007

- We will start doing the Korrika “running” at 4 pm in the park next to Oxford house, Bethnal Green.
- At about 5-5:30 we’ll start heading towards RampArt and the party will start with the “trikitilariz”.
- At 8-8:30 we will have the London based rock band “Two4afiver”.
- And finally the “trikitilariz” and Basque music will carry on from 9:30 till midnight.
Drinks and food available!!!
Come and join us!!!

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